A review by elusivity
Embassytown by China Miéville


A thoroughly interesting novel exploring the nature of language, thought, truth and reality. On a colony planet, humans live on the good graces of the Ariekei, whose Language must be literally true in order to have validity and be understood. As is inevitable, change must occur, and does, to devastating results.

While reading, I was reminded of SNOW CRASH by Neal Stephenson, which explored some similar themes about the power of language to affect thought, and thereby the entire structure of a society. However, Miéville's using the alien Ariekei as basis for the effect of language removes an element of doubt I carried while reading SNOW CRASH (human mind programmable as machinery--hm?!), so that I am able to immerse myself in the intellectual exploration.

As typical, Miéville throws a metric ton of new ideas and world-building details at us. I am fascinated by bioengineering--animals that release different energy depending what they are fed, as walking batteries; houses that are alive... some truly mind-bendingly fascinating stuff, but organically integrated into the story so that they are a part of an intricate, plausible background rather than bits of "hey, look at this amazing new thing I just thought up" from the author.

Highly recommended!