A review by inwonderland49
Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

My Thoughts

Tell Me Three Things:

  1. This book was exactly what I needed. It got me out of my reading slump and brought so much joy.

  2. This book has my heart.

  3. I need more of this!

This book is a must read. I absolutely adored this book! It has already been promoted to my favorites shelf and I'm already itching to reread it! Yes, it is that good! I loved that it was an epistolary novel (which if you don't know what that is: Epistolary novel is a story told in the form of letters, emails, diaries, journals, etc.). There were narrative parts to the story but half of it was told in email/IM or text message and I absolutely LOVED that!

Jessie is one of my new favorite characters. I loved her so much! She had to adapt and start from scratch when her life was abruptly relocated from Chicago to Los Angeles. Coming from a girl who lives in the suburbs of Chicago, I can't even imagine going through that. There was a portion in the novel where they talk about how it's warm in November and how there is a wrongness to that. And I would totally be the same way. But I knew exactly how she felt with relocating her life to a whole new state because I had to do that too. Granted I wasn't in high school, I was in elementary school, but I moved from Minnesota to Illinois and had to start from scratch on making friends and trying to keep in touch with my old friends. It was hard and I think that Julie Buxbaum did an amazing job and portraying that!

Somebody/Nobody (aka SN) oh how I love thee! I honestly cannot say a whole lot about SN or the other male characters within this story because I do not want to give anything away! But I was definitely happy at who SN turned out to be! :)

There is honestly nothing that I can think of that I don't like about this book! I think that this was a great YA debut and I cannot wait to see what else Julie Buxbaum writes for the YA genre!

Let's Talk About It!

Have you read Tell Me Three Things yet? Do you want to? Are there any other books in the Epistolary form that you think I should give a try?