A review by books_plan_create
The Locket by Stacey Jay


I am going to start by saying the only reason I decided to read this book is because Stacey Jay wrote it. So far I've loved everything she's published! After just the first 20 pages, I was hooked! Katie finds a locket in her grandmother's jewelry box and wears it the night of her birthday and anniversary with her boyfriend. It is that night that Isaac (the boyfriend) finds out that Katie and their mutual best friend, Mitch, kissed each other.

The power of the locket takes Katie back in time to fix the mistake. Strange at first, Katie gets used to it and enjoys the change to do it over. But such is the case, the butterfly effect takes place and things gets changed...some not for the better.

This is rare for me to say, but I thought the ending was fabulous! I would not have changed a single thing about it. And I am glad to say that it sounds like it will be a stand alone book. (I'm beginning to miss single books.)