A review by darquedreamer
Breakwater by Catherine Jones Payne


Breakwater plunges you in to a world inhabited by mermaids. In this underwater city of Thessalonike, social classes are held and ruled over by the King. A human like species, called the Naiad, exists as the lowest standing class of this hierarchy. This story will immerse you in to the struggle of the oppression of the Naiad and the issues of injustice from the higher classes.

Though I enjoyed Breakwater for the most part, I felt like I was missing more imagery and details about this underwater world. I wish the characters had been a bit more developed and that I would have gotten a thorough explanation of how life works under the ocean and how the Naiads are able to walk on the ocean floor. This was a quick read, and the story really caught my interest after the first few chapters, but I still felt that it lacked depth.

The character of Jade was enjoyable enough, but, again, I felt that she needed more development. She was brave and held good morals, but she didn't stand out to me enough. I would have liked to have seen more of a connection between her story and her namesake's story. I also felt that her father's story was lacking details since it was used as much of her motivation.

The story line of the love interest took an unexpected twist. The ending of the book was definitely not expected and left me believing that there will be a sequel. I enjoyed the book enough to say that I would pick up the sequel to find out what happens.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this ARC for my honest opinion.