A review by kfergy
Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption by Rafia Zakaria

adventurous challenging informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


Required reading within the feminist space, especially by white feminists. It's not an easy read, and shouldn't be taken lightly but rather a resource to move forward in feminism for all and centering non-white feminism within a broader movement (and hopefully an inclusive and responsive broader movement is possible). 

In a note to other reviews mentioning references: The reference system is entirely appropriate for the style of book; if you're less familiar with academic work, it may seem jarring to tell the difference between a fact or reference and then meditations and interpretations of these references, but taking your time and close (but not deep) reading should help. A thesis or dissertation would be both closely and deeply read by the opponent committee, but for a book written for a broad audience, it's less about interpreting the sources and their use but rather appreciating their presence in the text (sounds like bullshit, but nearly every non-fiction read is recognizing the expertise of the author and following them on the journey). 

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