A review by starryeyedwings
Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally


I am not, nor have I ever been, a football fan. Like, EVER. Seriously, I belong in the category of folks who only watch the Superbowl because of the feels-inducing commercials. So naturally, I was hesitant to read this. But I picked it up anyways because I've been running on a chick-lit craze all summer long stemming from my desire to read light, fluffy, whimsical novels without overcomplicated plots or too much thinking on my part. In short, beach reads, basically. And since I wasn't finding anything else at the time, I chose this.

And I'm so, so glad I did.

For one, I understand football a LOT better than I ever thought I wanted to know, mostly because it made me curious so I actually went and looked up things I hadn't been curious about before in regards to the sport. Also made me respect football players a lot more, and just athletes in general, and all the sacrifices they sometimes make to make their accomplishments.

Secondly, I thought there was a good balance between actual football activity, i.e., on the field, practices, games, and the drama going on in Jordan's personal life, outside of football. There was also very strong character development, and even minor characters had their moments in the spotlight when new revelations were suddenly discovered by Jordan (since it's first person POV) and they were all timed well and appropriate and true to the character's personality, whoever it was at the time.

And my last point, it wasn't as "light" as I originally thought it to be, because - SPOILER - there's something big that happened with Ty. But I thought that was a little bit understated and it should've been given more attention to, even from Jordan's perspective this could've been done.

Other than that, I thought it was a decent read.