A review by uncoveredwhimsy
Spring 2015 Debut Fiction Sampler by Catie Disabato, Brendan Duffy, Elena Delbanco, Jonathan Galassi, Naomi Jackson, Patricia Park, John Renehan, Sara Nović, Jennifer Steil, Jill Alexander Essbaum, Scott Hawkins, Charlotte Silver, Katja Rudolph, Jax Miller, Robin Kirman


First Impressions:
Very few things catch my attention like a pretty book cover. The Silver Swan,House of Echos, and The Library at Mount Char, immediately had my attention for just that reason. Those books instantly went on my TBR list before I even read the excerpts.
Unfortunately, my love for pretty covers often means that a book with an ugly cover will have to work twice as hard to catch my attention (The Star Side of Bird Hill, and Bennington Girls Are Easy- I'm looking at you).

I'm not going to go too into depth on my thoughts on these books, because there were a LOT of them. My initial expectations of the beautiful books were spot on. The Silver Swan, House of Echos (this is the book I am probably VERY MOST excited for. I have been craving something just a little creepy) and The Library at Mount Char are all beautiful, engaging novels. I cannot wait to read the full versions.

I didn't love the fact that The Ghost Network comes littered with footnotes. They make me feel like I'm interrupting my reading for clarification. The story is pretty intriguing and I would love to read the rest, I just feel like it is a book best reserved for a slow day that you have time to really savor the novel and pay attention to footnotes.

I had previously heard of hausfrau, but had never really paid it much attention. I am so glad I got to read an excerpt! I can hardly wait to read the full version!