A review by blodeuedd
Freakling by Lana Krumwiede


Another MG one, but I was really surprised when I read that this one was MG. There was violence, death, threats of violence and even a hint of a threat of sexual violence. I get that the main character is 13 so I guess that makes it more MG then, but, since it is labelled as MG some really young readers could read it. But maybe kids these days are more used to things. Still, I would say this one is more for younger YA readers. Cos no, there is not that much violence. YA has more, but I still feel like it was a bit to dark for MG. I mean an 8 year old could read this and they just kill a kid like that and torture people so...maybe I am the only one that feels like this. It was just such a change from the other MG I just listened to.

Speech over. 11 up absolutely. Not under that. But older YA would find it too simple so yes it lies there in the shadow land of upper MG, lowerYA

Is this a fantasy world? Is it our world? No idea. I do like when things are clearer cos I always wonder. Is it dystopia? Sci-fi? Interesting mix at least. A world where a group of fanatics (yes I will call them that) left and made a mountain (why no one come over the sea and takes a look I have no idea), and then they live there using psi powers they got. Which to me seems to exhausting. They can do NOTHING by hand. Not eat, not going to the toilet I assume. NO lifting. Nothing. I wonder how they make babies, I guess they can touch then...or? Cos the kid keeps saying that no one touch each other. You do not want to know what I am thinking now. Touch is a sense. Why take away that completely?

Anyway, this kid Taemon loses his powers and is sent away. I liked him, though he really should just have killed his psycho brother. That does make it MG, he was so damn nice.

There is an evil guy who is evil and Taemon will obvi save the world.

Interesting world and a nice story, even if, I mean come on people, touch is a sense!

Narrator Nick Poedl
I liked his voice and omg the voice for Tae's sociopath of a brother, yes he sounded evil!