A review by breaking_the_epigraph
Without Limits by Nicole Morgan


Without Limits anthology of BWWM collection of passion and desire lives up to its title in only several of the books. I found the first story to be disrespectful at 39 chapters while most of the other stories were less. There some really great and not so great stories in this box set. 

My overall rating: 3 stars

Cinderella's Prince ~ Stacy-Deanne

When I read the about in this story I expected this story to be more about Gabrielle and Hugh according to the 'About the Story' blurb. What I read were two parallel stories and either matched the title for me.

Gabrielle's a supermodel who loses a major cosmetic contract because in the modeling world she has become too old.
Hugh is the man that has been a thorn in her side by pursuing her for years.
Sierra is an actress who used to be on top of her game until she hit rock bottom and is now a commodity that no one in tinsel town will touch and Hugh's current 'girlfriend,' and such a whiner.
Dash loves Sierra but will not go public with their relationship.
The title of this story does not fit Cinderella, no evil stepmother or sisters, just a strained relationship between a supporting character and her father and a friendship from a triangle that Gabrielle didn't know that she was taking part in. There was too much going on in this story with no antagonist. No, I don't count the drama from the Jerry Springer-like talk show. The story was an okay read.

My rating: 2.5 stars

The Baby Bargain ~ Stephanie Morris

Orrick Waterhouse presents Sage Miller with a proposition that has her clutching her invisible pearls. He wants her to carry his child, this knocks Sage for a loop and Orrick is more than prepared to get want he wants. They agree to go the natural route to have the child. During the process, the start to change and Orrick tells Sage that they need to take some time away from each other to evaluate the situation. Once apart and they come together again they both realize they want the same thing and not just the baby. This fasted pasted surrogacy story is a good read. Two people who want a baby and not a relationship get so much more.

My rating: 4 stars

The Descendants ~ Angela Kay Austin

A coven in New York City is haunted by someone attempting to kill the leader and has drawn the Ada, Belle's daughter back home. Someone from within threatens her life and Belle and the other must find the traitor. The wasn's a story of passion and desire. Thomas did show his love for Ada by willing to be tested by her family even to the point of death. The story was an okay read.

My rating: 2 stars

Fort Knox ~ Tiana Laveen

Knox Wolfe is starting his life over after a seven-year stint in prison for bank robberies and he moves next to child star Tina Rochelle. They do not get off on the right footing, but one day Knox shows Tina what he is working with and gives her some hard truths and encouragement. Two people from different walks of life find more than what they are looking for when life and people counted them out, they bounced back and became and are stronger together. Good opposites attract story.

My rating: 5 stars

Highland Jax ~ Laverne Thompson

I love vampire stories and this one did not disappoint. Jax heard the laughter of the voice, his true mate and followed it until he found her. It manipulated his way on to the reality television show her friend had signed them up for. However, one of the women in the group was not to be deterred from obtaining Jax for herself and used dark magic. Serissa saves her love from Karen's manipulations. Good vampire story, although I kinda wish Avery, Serissa's best friend would have found love with Declan, Jax's brother.

My rating: 5 stars

Bad Boss ~ Lolah Lace

Robin MacDowell worked in the mailroom at Trubeau Technologies and caught a lucky break while waiting for her mother to pick her up from work. Robin went from the mailroom to the executive floor to work as a personal assistant for the bad boss Andrew Trubeau. Mr. Trubeau has a difficult reputation of being hard to work with. It appears not only at the green light from his mother (who wouldn't mind having Black grandbabies) Andrew is pursuing Robin, not that he hadn't already begun. The rest of the story (Badder Boss) is coming in the Summer of 2019.

My rating: 3.5 stars

The Colors of Love ~ Breanne Hayse

I got as far as chapter two in this story and I could not make it all the way through. The lead female character is a brat who is impersonating a woman who is supposed to be a police officer. She is combative with her superior who happens to be her dad's friend. Her behavior is a BIG turn off. I cannot in good conscience to my fellow readers recommend this story.

My rating: 0.5 star

Hierarchy ~ Lori Titus

Second chance for a rock star Luc Pierce and ex-girlfriend Sasha. Sasha is sent on assignment by her editor for an exclusive interview with rocker Luc Pierce of Hierarchy fame after finding out they have a history. The story fell short for me in the begin of the story, Spring 2008 of Chapter One didn't feel complete. Sasha had only been back in California for a short time and in that time she has had a disagreement with her mother and after the second conversation with Luc, they are checking into a hotel and doing the deed. The story has promise but fell really short with this reader.

My rating: 2 stars

Securing Mika ~ Sydney Aaiyah Michelle

Conor Brandson and his security firm were hired to protect Mika Thompson and her father while they were down in Columbia. Little is Conor and Mika know something evil was coming their way. In this older man/younger woman BDSM story Mika is kidnapped and assaulted on the same day she and Conor give into their desires. There is more to this story as Conor leaves after the two confess their love for each other. Looking forward to reading the rest of this story.

My rating: 4 stars

Scorned ~ Donna R. Mercer

Good first read from this author. Ebony Archer believes that she has been stood up by Demetrius Papadakis, and decides to hunt him down to inform him that no one stands her up. She leaves quite an impression on him in the way of a left hook and the big hurt. But has Demetrius enlist his cousin to find the person who is catfishing Ebony and using his identity, other unexpected things regarding Ebony's past began to surface. Two people are out to tear them apart, one fatally so.

My rating: 4 stars

Lucas ~ Siren Allen

The first (prequel) to an upcoming series from Siren Allen. I really enjoyed the book and look forward to reading more. Vampires/Wolves hybrids (Volves) and interesting spin on a paranormal story with shifters. Lucas's true mare is Dreya a soul snatcher, he locked her away for one hundred years, thinking that she had committed a horrendous act against his family. Until one day, he finds out different and now he must find out the whole truth and win back his mate. Right now it is an impossible task seeing how Dreya wants nothing to do with him or does she?

I cannot wait for the rest of the story.

My rating: 4 stars

Back to Black ~ Kyoko M.

My first read of this author and I could not get through the first chapter of this story.

My rating: No rating

Never Walk Away ~ Dahlia DeWinters

The first read from this author, it was okay. Zoe Dennison is a major musician and Salem Bridges is a temporary replacement musician when a bandmate becomes ill. There is an instant attraction between Zoe and Salem, but Zoe doesn't want to act on it because 1) he is younger than her and 2) He is a part of the band even for a short while. Things progress between the two and they decide to become exclusive; however, things go left when the story of their relationship makes it online and the wrong person is to blame.

My rating: 2.5 stars

Law of April ~ Suzanne Jenkins

The first read by this author, it was an okay story about a young woman who is determined to go to law school and keep her younger sisters on the straight and narrow. April has is hard at home, she is playing the mother, sister, and keeper. She and her parents do not have a good relationship. Her history professor recommends her for a job at his brother's law firm and April's life begins to pick up. Rick Lawson sees April one day as he arrives to work and is captive by her smile and beauty. Rick is on a quest to make April his, but the road is not a smooth one someone else wants April too. There are some answered situations in this story for me, such as why did April feel about Ken the way that she did, I did not get the whole picture or maybe I missed it.

My rating: 2.5 stars