A review by furythephoenix
Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb


3.5 stars.
Look, I hate to only give 3 stars for a comic I genuinely enjoyed. BUT - I am a bit disappointed that the titular character, Hush, was essentially reduced to a gimmick with an overly complicated, inorganic sojourn through already well-worn territory. (Somebody mad at Bruce/Batman, dresses us to get Revenge, does so in over-the-top fashion.) I was actually looking forward to a more grounded villain, to be honest - I had such high expectations given the way Hush was represented in the Batman Arkham video game series.
Don't get me wrong: I still enjoyed this; and perhaps I'm expecting too much from a Batman comic. But I think the cheese factor has overstayed its welcome in comic books. I can accept the more fantastical aspects of Batman when my disbelief is suspended with some solid grounding, but sadly this left me wanting in that department.
Still give it a read, you might like it more than I did.