A review by bookishwelshie
Doctor Who: All Flesh Is Grass: Time Lord Victorious by Una McCormack


Picking right back up from where "The Knight, The Fool, and the Dead" left off, The Tenth Doctor comes face to face with two of his former selves - the Eighth and Ninth Doctors.
The Eighth Doctor is onboard a Dalek ship and the Ninth is on a Coffin ship, full of vampires. Via a video link between the ships’ screens, both of them implore with Ten to cease with his current mission.
However, donning the Time Lord robes, Ten is stubborn as he believes this is his destiny as the Time Lord Victorious.
My favourite character in this is most definitely Brian the Ood - a trained assassin Ood, who may be a little bit mad.

A Multi-Doctor story never fails to excite me. The author manages to capture each of the Doctors’ different personalities and voices very well. It is joyous when the three of them are interacting with one another.
Also the Ninth Doctor mentions my hometown, Rhyl! (Well I live in a nice little village just outside of it but STILL it says Rhyl on my address so it counts!).

These short, fast paced, books really just suit Doctor Who. I need to listen to the Time Lord Victorious Big Finish audio dramas and also read the comic books next.
I always long for more Eighth and Ninth Doctor content, so I'm very excited for adventures with them by listening to more Big Finish.