A review by book_otter
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green


This book is amazing. I didn't know what to expect from it, because I had heard so many good things but without specifics, so I went in nothing almost nothing. That was the best way to read it. I read this book almost two weeks ago. I know that isn't a long time, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. And you know what, it's not because
Spoiler of the alien Carls, I don't even like aliens normally. It has stuck with me so much because of what Hank is writing about our society, about social media, about how quickly people can change. April May is not a super likeable character. She has her flaws, and there are some big ones. But those kinds of characters can be the best characters if they change and develop and that's where I see this story going. At the beginning, April changed for the worst. Before, she had no interest in social media. After the video and her becoming famous, she became sucked into a world of perfectly crafted tweets and interviews with talk show host after talk show host. She broke up with her girlfriend. She put her trust in the wrong people. She said the wrong things, did some stupid stuff, and wasn't the greatest person to be around all the time. But at the end, you can see her changing little by little and I can't wait to see even more of that in the next book. In fact, as future April is writing you can see her regret in some bad descions that were made.
This wasn't the most clear or conclusive review and I apologize. It's all over the place. But this book was amazing and I had to get my feelings out.