A review by isabellaslittlelibrary
Taming 7 by Chloe Walsh


6/5 stars. SCREAMING CRYING WEEPING WHIMPERING. I'm seriously rocking back and forth with tears down my face. 

i've been waiting for clairexgibsie for years and this was everything I could have asked for and more. it was a boys of tommen book through and through. it had hilarious moments where I had to stop and catch my breath from laughter, it parts my made my heart swoon-y and warm, it had horrifyingly emotional parts that broke my heart. taming 7 was perfect. 

gibsie's backstory made me want to be physically sick.
gibs being the one mark raped instead of lizzie's sister was shocking and the fact it went on for 4 years. I couldn't stop crying
how he's still going and putting a smile on his face is beyond me and I love him so so much.
the ONLY thing I would have wanted to be added in this book was seeing bit more about how gibsie starts to heal from this - like does he call darren?  the ending left a pretty clear divide which sets up other books so I hope that his healing journey wasn't sacrificed for that ending and that we get to see it in future books

Claire is my little sunshine girl and I adore her. I loved how fierce she was and how she stood up for gibs. she was so cute and gibsie and her put a huge grin on my face. their playfulness and cute banter was top tier, they felt like they did in previous books just with a lot more depth. AHH AND THEM BEING CAT AND HEDGEHOG PARENTS. they make me giddy. 

one of my ABSOLUTE favourite things about taming 7 was Johnny and gibsie. they are no joke my ultimate friendship duo ever. words cannot express the chokehold they have on me. they have this undying loyalty, respect and love for each other, they ALWAYS have the others back, no questions asked and their vulnerable moments, my god. when Johnny found out about what happened to gibs - his reaction. the sound that came out of my mouth - UNGODLY. when gibsie recognised Johnny and that he was gibs's safe space - I screeched. WHEN JOHNNY GAVE HIM A FOREHEAD KISS WHEN THEY WERE BOTH CRYING. I THOUGHT I WAS DYING. in fact I did die. but this quote brought be back to life 

"and if you think this is going to chase me off then you've another thing coming, fucker, because I'm never leaving. do ya hear me? because you're my Gibs"
"And you're my Kav'

I also lovedddd seeing more Hugh and feely. my Hugh and Patrick hearts are beating. 

I have seen some discourse surrounding lizzie in this book. honestly I thought the amount of lizzie and her drama was fine. do I think she was ridiculously cruel and horrible? yes. she owes the biggest apology to everyone, especially gibs. she was so far over the line so many times and honestly deserved what happened at the end. just because she's stuck at the moment her sister died, doesn't mean everyone else is and she needs to find a way to cope that's not being a bitch. I can see myself liking her in the future and I'm actually really looking forward to her book but I'm on team gibs.
the friendship group being separated honestly didn't bother me too much which is surprising. I usually hate when they aren't all together but in this context it's honestly better and the wisest decision for everyone to get their head on straight and work through their issues. so what if they don't all agree. the group dynamic has a long of tension and it’s a lot more complex that simply picking sides. There’s so much to consider and I’m really interested to see how they all sort this out. you can literally see how conflicted everyone is during that last scene, they are all going to have to talk and work through it.