A review by novelesque_life
Good as Gone by Amy Gentry


Written by Amy Gentry
JULY 26, 2016; 288 Pages
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Genre: suspense, mystery, missing person, fiction

(I received an ARC from the NETGALLEY in exchange for an honest review.)


When Jane was a young child she watched a man kidnap her thirteen year old sister, Julie at knife point. She had watched all this through the crack of the closet door to stun to move. It took her a few hours to raise the alarm to her parents. From that day on the Whitaker family changed both physically and emotionally. Then many years later a stranger appears at the door - it is Jane's older sister, Julie - alive.

Anna - their mother - feels like there is something not right about everything that is unfolding with Julie. As Jane and her father are over the moon about Julie's return, Anna cannot help but doubt her story. She tries to bury her uncertainty, but then a private investigator contacts her with his own suspicions, Anna knows she must find out the truth even if it breaks her family again.

This novel kept me interested enough to see how it unfolded. We see all this through Anna, Jane and Julie's point of view. I was not wowed by the twists and turns of this novel but I found all the characters (but Julie) very realistic. This novel has the tag of being like Gone Girl which was a suspense novel I did not care for...so maybe this kind of suspense is not my cup of tea.

k (My Novelesque Life)
