A review by katreader
Glitter Bomb by Laura Childs, Terrie Farley Moran


GLITTER BOMB by Laura Childs with Terrie Farley Moran
The Fifteenth Scrapbooking Mystery

Although it's a week before Mardi Gras celebrations and parades have already hit New Orleans and Carmela Bertrand and her bestie Ava are out on the town joining in on the fun. Fun turns to horror when the float with Carmela's ex-husband starts careening wildly and ultimately explodes throwing krewe members into the throng. The lone fatality wasn't the result of an accident, however, it was murder. Carmella's ex is now begging her to investigate while her fiance is begging her to keep out of it. Carmella's too curious and has been through too many murder investigations to stop now. But will her involvement end her engagement? Or her life?

GLITTER BOMB is a rollicking roller coaster ride through Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Once again Carmela and Ava have more events to join in than there are drunks on Bourbon Street! From fancy balls and candlelight home tours, to road rallies and more, the duo showcases some of the fun ways to enjoy the city and the holiday.

I enjoyed how the relationship between Carmela and Babcock is challenged and lingering feelings between Carmela and Shamus are explored. I also appreciated the mystery and the variety of suspects, all acting suitably suspicious! I like how Memory Mine has grown from a scrapbooking store to encompass even more paper arts and now graphic design. Paper arts tips and recipes add to the charm of this fifteenth Scrapbooking mystery.

GLITTER BOMB is a fast paced, fun mystery. Grab it and bring some of the excitement of Mardi Gras and murder home!

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a digital ARC provided through NetGalley, in the hopes I would review it.