A review by paddlefoot55
Broken Open by Lauren Dane


ARC received from Harlequin via Netgalley for an honest review

This is the second book in the Hurley Boys series, and while it could be read as a stand alone, why would you want to miss out on anything these boys have to offer.

This is Ezra Hurley’s story, and it is not exactly an easy story. Both he and his woman Tuesday have had hard pasts and they are struggling to get past things to move forward.

These are not your usual rock star books. In fact, most of the time you wouldn’t know they were rockers at all. These books are about the people behind the rock star personas.

There is so much sexual tension between Ezra and Tuesday. Everytime they are in a room together you can feel the tension roll of them. And you just know that when they get their sh*t together, sparks are going to fly.

And they do. Hooey their sexy times are sex-y!

For me though, the middle part of this book seemed to drag. Ezra and Tuesday seemed to go around in circles with their relationship. They would meet up, have the sexy-sex, avoid. Rinse, lather, repeat. There was no reason why their relationship couldn't move forward other than themselves. There was no big blow up, no big misunderstanding. They just didn't. Didn't admit their feelings, didn't move forward. I felt that this part of their story could have moved along quicker - but this is just my thoughts.

I love that we get right into the whole Hurley family dynamic. His mum and dad are great, his brothers and their partners are awesome.

I am really looking forward to getting more of Damien and Mary's story, and especially intrigued about Vaughan and Kelly's story. It is going to be interesting to get down to the nuts and bolts with that one!

Can't wait to see where this series goes next.

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