A review by marufahoque
The Dragonslayer's Sword by Resa Nelson


Stars and dragons and swords! That's what the whole story is about. I found myself thinking about Sabriel, which is one awesome book, but unlike Sabriel, I didn't like Astrid. Maybe it's the writing style. I just felt like it wasn't working for me. It was too choppy and more telling than showing. The story had many typos/errors (Kindle version), and the plot was basically Astrid being naive and childish. I got the feeling that the "dragonslayer's sword" was actually Astrid, since at the end she has some sort of transformation. Too be honest, I don't like the name Astrid. But for some reason, coincidentally, this story also made me think of a novel I'm working on about a main character girl who's a blacksmith employed under the king, but then is forced to make a sword to slay the dragon that killed the prince.