A review by drez80
Come Monday by Mari Carr

Not sure how to rate this one. I did like the relationship development, in the beginning, even if it was quick, but then it escalated too quickly. Keira had no previous bdsm experience, and because she was being pushy, Will just went along with her. I think a good dom would have slowed them down and really taken the time to explain how a D/s relationship really works, exactly what he expected of her, and start slow and work their way up to push limits. I hated that the first time they had sex he chose to stick his fingers in her a$$ as his way of forcing her to acknowledge that she trusted him and completely belonged to him. Just seemed over the top. I did like that Will wanted to take care of her and take some of the pressure off her shoulders although I think he went about it the wrong way. I do think Keira was being overly bitchy though. Maybe it's because I've not been in the situation, but I don't understand feeling like you have to do everything for your younger siblings or try to make things perfect for them because a parent died. You aren't the parent. I understand stepping in to help out, but taking the entire burden of trying to help raise them like a mother is too much, esp. considering they weren't much younger than her. I think this story would have been much better had it been just a bit longer to allow more time for relationship development and initiating Keira into the lifestyle.