A review by nipomuki
Slightly Wicked, by Mary Balogh


This was very helpful in distracting me from my worries IRL ;-)

CW for assault and body issues

Again the heroine is no milk and water Miss, but a women with personality and strength. Her big act of rebellion at the beginning of the book was quite shocking, but I did believe in it because it fit her character. She has this thirst for freedom, combined with her daydreaming and love of acting.

Judith and Ralf both „grow up“ while the story unfolds, influenced by other people, but also by each other: she gains confidence and dares to be herself, and he starts to act more responsibly, without completely losing his sense of fun. They are made for each other.

I like Cinderella retellings, especially if the girl does part of the saving herself. The side characters are very good: I loved the grandmothers, hated the evil aunt and daughter pairing , and was very afraid of the predatory step-cousin.

I hated seeing Judith in the role of poor relation, easy prey to human predators. We know while listening to the story that she will be safe in the end, but it was still frightening to read. I was glad to see that the Duke and all the brothers have strong opinions on rape.

I am looking forward to reading about the other siblings!