A review by si0bhan
Clones: The Anthology by Susan Kaye Quinn, Rysa Walker, R.D. Brady


Time for one of those lengthy pieces of honesty I sometimes start my reviews with – but don’t worry, I will get to the review shortly!

Okay, so I’m not entirely sure how I came to have this. I have been downloading far too many free books as of late, and through this I have ended up subscribed to a number of author’s email updates. There are but a handful I can recall actually clicking the ‘join’ button with. Nevertheless, unless the emails are exceptionally annoying, I have kept my subscription. One such subscription is PK Tyler (that’s right guys, one of the authors in this anthology). Their emails were interesting enough to keep me around, and they weren’t bombarding my inbox fifty times a day. All was good.

Then things got better.

One day I opened up my email to find a disheartening message regarding their advance read team. It turns out they hadn’t been reviewing like they should have been. Thus, a new team was being created. As I was actively interacting with the emails I was receiving, I was automatically added to the advance read team. Now, I would like to admit I have yet to read any of PK Tyler’s books. My to-read list is longer than my read list, with my subdivision of ‘to-read owned’ approaching the one thousand books mark. Due to this, I often find myself reading authors I know and love. However, I’m always more than happy to give a new author a try – and when things are advance reads I make sure I read them when I get the chance.

So it was, I jumped into this anthology.

I admit, it took me longer to read than I had hoped for. However, this has nothing to do with the stories – it is all to do with me. I decided to start reading during a busy period, during the dreaded exam period. It’s never the wisest of moves. Thus, it took me a while to get through these ones. But they were more than worth it.

Some of the stories were better than others, but all were deserving of at least a three star rating. In fact, the average was three stars, but there were some four stars within the collection. What was really amazing, though, was the variety within the stories. They all went in completely different directions after being given the word ‘clones’, each creating something unique.

All stories are well written. All stories are worth reading. Hell, I’m going to go on and look for more by these authors, as they are all more than worth reading.

Give it a read – you won’t regret it!