A review by bookishbrittany
Doctor Who: A History by Alan Kistler


[b:Doctor Who: A History|17572151|Doctor Who A History|Alan Kistler|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1375144462s/17572151.jpg|24512097]

Leading up to the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary; Comic Book Historian and Doctor Who expert Alan Kistler decided to put together a history of the oldest running sci-fi show in television History.

The book starts with the getting the show off the ground and ending with Matt Smith announcing that he would be leaving the show, this book beautifully constructs a history for Whovians who are more familiar with the modern show and don't know where to start if they want to go back and watch Classic Who.

Even though it is only a brief history of each doctor and his many companions, it is just enough information to start getting a feel of who the Doctor is and how he changes through out the fifty years of the show. It also points out key episodes that can be found on netflix where you can go and watch a specific Doctor or a specific companion.

The book also mentions how each actor felt after they left and what it felt like to be replaced as the Doctor. You learn how each doctor regenerated, and how not all of them were shown in the series.

I highly recommend this to all Whovians especially those who want to know more about Classic Who. This book is filled with like pockets of information that is really cool like the inspiration for River Song came from Aubrey Nieffeneger's novel "The Time Travelers Wife" or the fact that the Doctor Who movie starring Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor was filmed in Vancouver, Canada. This book in my opinion is a much have in a Whovians collection.