A review by greeniezona
The Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over the Place: The Art of Being Messy by Jennifer McCartney


A silly and frivolous book, I know, but I just couldn't resist it. Too many times I've wavered between feeling guilty for not living in a Kondo-esque clutter-free lifestyle and reveling in living surrounded by creative possibilities. So, I bought this book and laughed and laughed and laughed and told several of my friends that they need to read it, but I am not ready to loan out my copy - not just yet!

What I need is not more guilt for my life - but more models for living a life of messy, joyful exuberance. This book is a good step in that direction. Included are helpful quizzes like "how to tell if you're messy or a hoarder," which starts out "Are there any rotting fruits in your living room?" and all three answers start with "Yes, but..." In between all the snark are a few good perspective checks as well, like "More than 2.6 billion people do not have indoor plumbing - including more than 1.5 million Americans... So spare me your sob story about how all the bathrooms you've pinned on Pinterest are unattainable."

So, a lot of humor, a little perspective, and a bunch of quizzes. It was just what my brain wanted at that moment of time.