A review by kandicez
Before Watchmen: Comedian/Rorschach by Brian Azzarello


Let me start by saying there is no reason these stories need to be written. I knew all I really needed to know about the masks from Moore and Gibbons work. That doesn't mean I don't WANT more. I will always, always want more Watchmen!

Having gotten that out of the way, these were just more about the guys I love, love to hate, hate to love, you know the feeling, right?

Comedian is what he is and knowing more about his background doesn't make him any more sympathetic. He's kind of an ass, and he is definitely arrogant, but I can't help liking his all American GI Joe "I'm always right!" attitude.

Rorschach is different. I love him. I feel sorry for him. I believe he genuinely wants to better the world and knows no matter how much he does it will never actually be any better. The same people will always be here.

He is so simple and black and white which is the genius of his disguise. There are no greys with him and the black and white may shift in different circumstances they will never, ever blend.

My absolute favorite part of this were the alternative covers in the back. The Rorschach cover drawn by Jim Lee may be my all time favorite cover he ever drew and I am a huge fan of his, so that's saying an awful lot. I sneak-read this in Barnes and Noble, but if I do buy it, that Lee cover alone will make it worth the $29.99 price tag. :)