A review by ofbooksncupcakes
Until Tennessee by Sarah O'Rourke


This is a quick, yet sexy read from Sarah O'Rourke within the Until (or as I call it the BOOM) world series by the amazing Aurora Rose Reynolds. Cobi Mayson made a few cameos in this book as well.

While I find the solution to Clarity's problem a tad too convenient, it doesn't detract from the fact that this book was engaging with funny moments and HEA with epilogue (yay to epilogue!) Clarity was well written and you couldn't but help cheer for her, Momma will do shit jobs to keep food on the table and keep her babies warm. Marek has all the requirements for a possessive, protective and sexy male Alpha. He didn't quite understand about the BOOM until it hit him in the face and I liked how Cobi find that hilariously funny.

If you're looking for a quick sexy read, then do click this book (or any book by Sarah O'Rourke). You will not regret it.