A review by atlantiareads
Beauty Dates the Beast by Jessica Sims


My Review:

Midnight Liaisons is the paranormal dating company that the main character, Bathsheba works at. She deals with the weird customers and all of the problems that arise when a “Midnight Liaison” cancels a date. Bath and her sister Sara have been running their entire lives. They are running to keep a secret, one that could destroy both of their lives. Sara is a werewolf and she isn’t registered with the werewolf packs. Sara doesn’t want to belong to a pack, you see female werewolves are rare and used by all of the males in the pack. Why would you ever want to be a part of that life? Spending every day around paranormal creatures can cause problem for these sisters. They are always waiting for someone to say “SHE IS A WEREWOLF!” Now this is no way for them to live and Beau realizes this from the first time he sees them. When a horrible creature starts stalking Bath and Sara the only thing to do is separate the sisters and place them in secluded “safe houses”. Bath is with an unbearably hot Cougar shifter and Sara is with a bear shifter. What could go wrong?

Now the first thing that drew me to this book was the synopsis or description on the back of the book. The creative way that the book is described just drew my attention. Another reason I chose to read “Beauty Dates The Beast” by Jessica Sims is because of the cover and the fact that it is a paranormal that focused on something other than Vampires. I have been looking for something different and this book was definitely that. Bath and Beau start out on a date, which isn’t allowed. Midnight Liaison employees are not allowed to date any of the clientele. When Beau’s date cancels on him there is nothing for Bath to do, so she agrees to join him on his date. This is where you get to see the relationship start to blossom with these two characters. Bath and Beau have a relationship that any woman would ever want!

I absolutely loved how Ms. Sims creates a story that flowed with such ease. Throughout the book only a few days pass, I found myself reading this book in just a couple days! With such a fun read I have found myself excitedly awaiting her second book in the Midnight Liaisons series! This next book is all about Sara.

I never found myself getting bored or wondering when this book would be over, which is a surprising thing for me right now. If I can make it through a book without checking to see how many pages are left or thinking “oh gawd this is soooooo boring” I can tell that the author has great talent. I found a couple grammatical errors which is always annoying, but other than that I found this book to be a very fun and interesting read. I think that if you are looking for a new book that doesn’t follow the same story line as many other books then you should read Jessica Sims’ “Beauty Dates the beast”!