A review by lifeofaliterarynerd
Places No One Knows by Brenna Yovanoff


I was really excited going into this because Benna Yovanoff has been one of my favorite short story authors from every anthology book she's been a part of, so to say I had high hopes is probably an understatement. And while I don't this story will stick with me as she short stories have, this was still an enjoyable read. I really loved Marshall and the journey he went on. His growth and development were incredibly relatable and I empathized with his struggle. It was a bit harder to connect with Waverly, but that was very intentional because as a character she liked to keep everyone at arms length - a façade presented to the masses so her cracks never show - and while again I found that relatable, it made it hard for me to like her because she was so conscious of her presentation and social standing - and keeping it to the detriment of others - that I was often frustrated by her. But she does go on a journey of growth as well, and like Mars', I thought it was very well done. I could see how these two were pulled together and believed in their connection, which was so important for the book.