A review by elenavarg
Shockaholic by Carrie Fisher


I had such a great time with Wishful Drinking, so immediately after finishing it, I started listening to this one. Then I got to chapter 3, ’Wishful Shrinking’ and all hell broke lose…listening to it actually made me cry.

The chapter is about Fisher’s weight loss. And it’s horrible. She writes (and talks! She narrated this herself!!) about how disgustingly fat she has gotten ”thanks” to such ”terrible” habits as taking antidepressants and enjoying eating food(!). And the cherry on top? She weighed 10kg less than I currently do.

As an understatement of the century, I’ve never felt so betrayed by a book. I considered Carrie Fisher one of the smartest and people in Hollywood, and hearing her say that about herself felt like a punch to the face. Because if she says and thinks such things about herself, why would she think differently of me or anyone bigger than I am? Granted, she is now dead and was extremely famous and wealthy, so the chances of ever even being perceived by her were always nonexistent.

But when she was alive, she must have felt and thought this about other fat people. Currently fat people know, that former fat people are (often) notoriously fatphobic. And it hurts. It hurts so much. All I can hope is that she learned and/or changed her mind after writing this, before her untimely death. I really, truly wish this, but don’t really believe it.

I’m not rating this book, because I barely even started it, but I wanted to write this review so maybe someone might see it, read it and understand, how much saying these things hurts other people