A review by anishaaa
Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence: Fully Revised and Updated f by Joe Dominguez, Vicki Robin


I picked this up because it's one that a lot of people in the FIRE movement love.

I didn't find it that helpful for where I'm at with my personal finance journey. It would be more useful for people who are starting out, or people who have never examined their relationship with their finances, or people that are aware of their damaged relationships with money. The method described in the book is intense, and I do appreciate that Robin and Dominguez do touch on this, saying that it might be helpful for some readers to read the book first before implementing anything.

Overall, ideas are good, nothing new (for me!). I do love the idea of "no blame no shame" in delivering the material though.https://www.goodreads.com/review/edit/5634236-your-money-or-your-life#