A review by beccainabook
Heart Bones, by Colleen Hoover


Oh my gosh, this book ripped my heart out of my chest the minute I read the first sentence. Colleen Hoover has done it again! She has created such complex and compassionate characters in this work that readers will instantly bond with. I loved every single word of this book and it is the romance I’ve been craving for a while.

This book starts out in such a depressing way and I was immediately sobbing for the main character, Beyah. I loved her so much and I just wanted to hug her after every single dark thought she had. Growing up in the situation she did, I was in awe of her strength and willingness to become better. If I was in her shoes, I don’t think I would have had the same bravery and perseverance that she had. She had a tough exterior and was very rough when she had to communicate with other characters, but who wouldn’t be after what she has had to deal with in such a short time. She also had so much shame and guilt that anyone with even an ounce of feelings would feel sorry for this girl! I mean she had never been hugged!!! When I found that out, my heart was definitely in pieces.

Throughout the progression of the book, Beyah begins to shed her layers, and bonds with her stepsister Sara and their neighbor Samson. OMG Samson is a heartthrob!! I mean he is the broody and most sentimental man that I’ve ever read about and I was instantly obsessed. He also had an air of mystery about him that is revealed at the end of the book that kept me very interested in his character. I felt that Beyah and Samson had an instant connection from the moment they met and it was so enchanting. Their sexual chemistry felt like fantasy and I was in love. I also loved the friendship that Beyah developed with her stepsister Sara. Beyah just became herself through these two relationships and I was so happy for her!

The relationship that Beyah and her dad developed was surprising to me. However, I think that since her father was honest about his failures in the end, she felt better about forgiving him. Honestly, Beyah’s ability to forgive was the most astonishing thing about her, considering all the people that have failed her in the past. She nevers gives up on Samson and the compassion that she shows him about his situation was just so magical.

The ending was just so perfect and everything I wanted. Colleen Hoover never disappoints and this book was no exception!