A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa


This and other reviews can also be found on my blog : (un)Conventional Bookviews

*Review copy received from Netgally on August 7th 2012*

A solid five stars from me! Ethan Chase really is a tough guy, and the way he was brought back into fairy politics was very well done. Keirran was a surprise, and I was wondering for a little while if I should have known who he was; and I should have!

The Lost Prince is everything I dreamed it could be, and more! I’m sure we can all guess how things are going to play out – right? Well, things don’t really go according to Ethan’s plan at all, but there is a lot of action, new friendships, and a mystery that has to be taken care of. Ethan finds out a lot more both about himself, Meghan and the rest of his family than he thinks he want to know. And this time, he’s entangled into the world of the fey without any hope to escape – even if he’s not trying to escape now anyway…