A review by merc_birb
The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan


I had so much fun with this book! :D Magnus is swiftly becoming one of my favorite Riordin protagonists, he's a wonderful balance of pragmatic and smart-aleck. Not nearly so reckless and sarcastic as Percy, he's a lot better at relying on and believing in his friends without being horribly over-protective of them. He's worlds more socially aware and sensitive, too. I adore the way Magnus' friendships shine in this book. Whether it's with Sam, Hearth and Blitzen, and new-comer Alex, I just really enjoyed them.

As always, the plot rolled at a good pace, but never felt more rushed than it should. I wasn't expecting some of the twists or powers revealed and they were a delight to read. Really, I don't want to spoil anything. Suffice to say, this was a great second book in this series and I can't wait to read the next one! :D