A review by lauriejj17
The Disciple of Las Vegas by Ian Hamilton


Truly addictive reading.

I read The Disciple of Las Vegas in three sittings, but it could have easily been one. With these novels, you really get a sense that Hamilton has done his research— and given his background in journalism, he likely has. Every location, from Vancouver to Manila, comes alive. Ava, as usual, is an easy character to root for.

The only thing I struggle with in these books is the excessive brand descriptions. Do we need to know every single time that Ava puts on her Adidas track pants and black Giordano t-shirt and drinks her Starbucks VIA Instant coffee??

(Starbucks: 5
Adidas: 7
Giordano: 8

I counted.)

But this is a small gripe. I'm literally desperate to read more of this series.