A review by amgs90
Effortless by S. C. Stephens


5 Stars!!!

You can never get tired of Kellan Kyle.

Thoughtless became my favorite book so far, so I was pretty scared about reading the sequel, I didn't want to be dissapointed. But after reading a few reviews here I was sure I would love it, and I was right! Also, there is no way something could be bad with Kellan Kyle on it.

Sadly, work got on the way and I didn't have time to read it like I would have wanted so it took me so long to finish it. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I enjoyed the first book better.

But that doesn't mean I didn't love Effortless. I love this series and I can't wait to read Reckless!

First of all, one of the things I liked the most about this book was how Kiera matured. While I spent most of the time wanting to smack her across the face in Thoughtless (I still loved her though), I found myself liking her character more and more this time around. I loved the person she became into at the end, and I could understand why she acted the way she did, having all those insecurities and being so shy... her boyfriend was Kellan Kyle after all haha.

But I think the author did a brilliant work with these books. I find amazing the way she writes and how she made things happen, so we could see the change in Kiera and the difficulties in her relationship with Kellan. How not everything was rainbows and butterflies once they got together. In my opinion S.C. Stephens created a perfect, realistic masterpiece where you could see all the problems in a story that started with a betrayal and a lot of lies.

With Kellan going on tour, he and Kiera have to deal with a lot of things, like trust and distance, and I think that's exactly what they needed to figure out if they loved each other enough to stay faithful and believe in the other one, after everyting that happened in Thoughtless.

I don't know about you, but I was surprised about how everything happened
SpoilerI don't know why but I really believed Kiera would cave in and cheat, while I always trusted Kellan to stay faithful
, and that's a really good thing. Sometimes it was pretty predictable, but even with that I really thought the story was fantastic. It made me doubt about the main characters, feel bad about some of them, love them even more... I felt a lot of things while reading it, I couldn't stop sometimes and that's what makes a book worth it.

I think it's great that we got to see other stories besides Kellan and Kiera's relationship, like getting to know Anna better. I fell in love with her character in the first book, but I loved her even more in this one. I even liked Griffin better too. There were a few scenes where I really laughed out loud, and I couldn't help but love a lot of secondary characters, like Abby or Cheyene, and of course the band members too.

Denny amazed me once again. He really is an incredible man, and a wonderful friend. I'm glad we could see more of him in Effortless.

And then, there is Kellan *sigh*. I could go on and on about Kellan Kyle, he is simply my favorite book boyfriend. Seeing his insecurities at the end of the book made me fall in love with him over and over again. And everything he did for Kiera and just to stay close somehow to her while he was on tour... he is pretty amazing. I have a lot of favorite scenes in this book, most of them with him. He is funny, sexy, adorable, sensitive...

Again, I loved Kiera and the way she acted with Kellan. Her patience, her maturity, her relationship with her sister, her friendship with the girls... she really changed.

Her relationship with Kellan also becames stronger during the story, and you can clearly see the troubles they had to fix to make things work out for them. It was a long and difficult process that you enjoy reading... even though sometimes I felt pain for the characters and suffered with them. It was a really complete book.

The hot scenes were... well, pretty hot haha. I love how Kiera gained confidence with Kellan and that we got more sexy times this time.

Congrats to the author, she did an incredible work and I can't wait to see more of Kellan and Kiera's life.