A review by thelilbookwitch
Dear Haiti, Love Alaine by Maritza Moulite, Maika Moulite


There was a lot of work put into this book, wholly voiced by the (sometimes) unreliable narrator and titular character: Alaine.

When a character is pitched as "smart" and "sassy" I tend to roll my eyes, but Alaine has intellect and razor-sharp wit in spades. This book required active reading as the story is told with traditional prose, email exchanges, post-cards, DMs, and other forms of communication that make it the closest thing to a YA Epistolary novel I've likely ever read.

Equal parts skeptical and trying to grapple with the unimaginable, Alaine's story feels a little disjointed at times, with meaningful moments that could be the jumping point for other novels cast aside to tell a different story with carefully laid connections and growth points.

While not melodramatically heavy, this book isn't light and I definitely think the appeal for it is with older high school readers who will be able to relate to Alaine on their on journeys into adulthood.