A review by bookbriefs
Too Distracting by Bethany Lopez


Too Distracting is the third book in the Lewis Cousins series by author Bethany Lopez. I read the first book in the series, and I didn't really love it, but I remember I was interested in reading about Gabe's cousin, so when I saw Too Distracting I decided to check out Dillion's story. I ended up enjoying this book more than the first book in the series. I liked this book, but it didn't rock my world or anything crazy like that. It was a quick contemporary romance read. Overall, it was a decent read. Each of the books in this series can be read as standalone, so I would recommend starting with this one.

Too Distracting is the story of Laurel and Dillion. I connected with these characters so much more than I did with Gabe. It made their romance fun to read about. I really enjoyed how devoted Dillion was to Laurel. Fans of quick, fun reads with a happy ending will enjoy Too Distracting. I don't really have any desire to read the second book in the series, but I would certainly try out something new from this author in the future. I'm not sure if this series is too short or too surface level for me. I liked this book, but I walked away wanting more in terms of character development between Laurel and Dillion.

Bottom line: Too Distracting was a decent read for me. It was quick and pleasant. I enjoyed it more than the first book in the series and I like that it can be read as a standalone. If you are interested, I would check out the series while it is on sale.