A review by tellsbooks
Frankenstein: The 1818 Text by Mary Shelley


DUDE! LEVELS! There was levels to this shit.

Okay, so I never ever read this book before this past month; however - it was one of those books that I've heard referenced throughout my entire life and I kept putting it off saying that I'd read it "one day".. I wanted something fantastical a little frightening to read and my boss recommended it and I rolled my eyes sooooo hard. She told me that it wasn't what I expected. I expected shit reminiscent of the movies that I had experienced re: Frankenstein as a child.

I didn't expect this emotional ass journey. It really dragged me to places that I never would have expected but that I have been before. There was so much internal emotional turmoil and anguish, pain and terror. I really really should have read this back in elementary/high school like I was supposed to - but in a way I'm kind of glad that I waited until now because I really don't think I would have understood the emotional depth in this novel.

Mary W. Shelley is a genius.

I read the edition with all the notes and the intro by Guillermo Del Toro, the life history of Mary Shelley and her experience in publishing as well as the reviews of the movies, plays and everything Frankenstein related at the end of the novel. It was dope. I can't wait to read it again and get into exploring some of the other Frankenstein films. I highly recommend it if you haven't read it.

I was never that bitch to read Frankenstein but it impacted me greatly.