A review by shelleyrae
Terminated by Rachel Caine


I am sad to learn that Terminated concludes Rachel Caine's Revivalist series. This has a been a fabulous trilogy that overrided my aversion to all things zombie with great characters and an exciting mix of action, conspiracy with the lightest touch of romance. I enjoyed [b:Working Stiff|9640024|Working Stiff (Revivalist, #1)|Rachel Caine|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327894689s/9640024.jpg|13686005] and [b:Two Weeks' Notice|12925173|Two Weeks' Notice (Revivalist, #2)|Rachel Caine|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1331685203s/12925173.jpg|18080684] immensely and I hoped that Terminated would provide the conclusion the series deserved.

Picking up where Two Weeks' Notice left off, Terminated begins as Bryn and her allies flee the compound where Bryn and Riley have been held prisoner and tortured by Patrick's psychopathic ex wife, Jane. Eluding capture by Jane and her cohorts will not be easy, and what follows includes pitched fire fights, ambushes and explosions where the action is fast paced, the tension high and the body count mounts. Bryn herself is shot point blank in the head, hit by a truck, blown up, shot again (again and again), severely burnt in a brush fire and forced to burrow into her own stomach.

Complicating everything is the secret Bryn and Riley are keeping. During their time in the base they were infected with a new mutation of the Returne. This new strain is self replicating and requires feeding with protein - raw steak, human flesh - the nanites don't discriminate and now Bryn has to worry about turning on her people.

The end game for Bryn and her allies, Joe, Patrick, Manny, Pansy, Annalie and Liam, is finding the cure for Returne and thwarting the plans of those who are determined to build a new world order. It's a hell of a wild ride to get there and the resolution is the perfect payoff.

With the story complete, I have no hesitation in recommending The Revivalist trilogy. The combination of urban fantasy, page turning action and kickass characters is irresistible, don't even try.