A review by bodebeabay
First Mate's Accidental Wife by Eve Langlais


[b:First Mate's Accidental Wife|38901005|First Mate's Accidental Wife (Gypsy Moth, #1)|Eve Langlais|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1519961138s/38901005.jpg|60452361] by [a:Eve Langlais|3431194|Eve Langlais|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1436867848p2/3431194.jpg]
Genres; Adult, Action & Adventure, Humor & Comedy, Romance, Sci-fi.
3.5 Stars
Negatives & Positives
I don't remember finding any editing problems at all. The flow was a bit off in some spots and the steamy intimate scenes needed more heat and emotion. The humor was in full force and I think the intimate scenes suffered a bit to the humor of the story. I also had a hard time really feeling much for either main character's, Michonne & Damon. While there is a lot of action & adventure, there isn't much suspense. It is a fun read. Ms. Langlais definitely delivered on that part, but.......
Both characters needed more depth added to their personalities. They both came off a bit one dimensional to me.
So, while I really liked it and it was a lot of fun to read, it also missed for me in a few areas.