A review by geo_ix
Already Freakn' Mated by Eve Langlais


I don't like the 'marriage'. The synopsis comes across as two married people cheat on each other with other people. That's so far from what's real. It puts off an air kind of like when someone explains your relationship but gets it all wrong, and it's done that way to shock you when you're reading, but considering you find out the truth pretty quickly I don't think it was needed.

Sure there was some great bits in this book, but my one main dislike has got to be the double stories. We have he POV of Chris and his mate, and then Sheng (the 'husband') and Chris's cousin. It's switching constantly and there's two sets of makings here and I just felt like they each needed their own book. Even if these were both shorter and Chris and Jill/Jiao ended on a cliffhanger to see if Sheng and Gina would be saved but we got it all in one and it just felt like a bit much at times.

Nothing was particularly shocking in this, it's definitely a fun read like every Eve Langlais book I've ever read. The writings very laugh out loud at times, with lots of sexual banter that can sometimes make me feel like a prude when I blush, and full of sassy women and men head over heels for their girls. The men in these are usually one of two types (player or shy guy - I say shy because they blush but they're also pretty standoffish and grouchy at times) and I really like them (minus the comments made about being gay etc and poor jokes etc) I also was a little weary when reading because it's constantly mentioning these two are Asian. By the second 'Asian guy' I was getting over it fast. Their ethnicity shouldn't be what describes them, especially when Javier and Alejandro were a different ethnicity also, but I legit didn't see it thrown in my face at all besides their delicious skin colour. I'm cool with colours, but I don't particularly think Asian describes a person very well for my visuals, but that might just be me.