A review by gen_wolfhailstorm
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things by Martina McAtee


So whenever it takes me exceptionally long to read a book I tend to class it as a negative because I'm not gravitating towards it, however with this novel, the reason was completely the opposite! I kept putting it off because I honestly didn't want it to end!

The first time I heard of this novel was on Casey Ann reads channel. The book sounded awesome and if I recall correctly she had a link where the author was giving the ebook away for free so I grabbed it up and downloaded it.

It took me ages to decide to pick it up and when I did I didn't expect the long length of it, but looking back, I quickly realised that was a blessing because I was lapping up all I could get!

Children shouldn't play with dead things is the first in the Dead things series, following a young girl called Ember who skips school and spends her time in graveyards, trying to avoid her alcoholic father. When a death close to home happens, her body goes through changes she can't understand and help comes from strange and confusing places, opening up doors to a whole other existence she never thought possible!

I loved it. I BLOODY LOVED IT.

I will say, a few pages in I was totally overwhelmed! I felt like too much was happening, e.g. an early death, Ember's birthday and The Day Of The Dead celebrations. It was just too many events for an opening and I just wasn't sure as to what was happening, plus I was getting Beautiful Creatures vibes, which I really didn't like, but once all that was done, I was hooked!

I loved the array of characters that were featured here. I won't go into all of them though. Ember was such an awesome main character; with Tristan and Kai (and Mace) they made a bigger picture, but on her own she was still very solid and I loved her. She did make some awful decisions but she also grew so much and we got to see a lot of her personality as she came to terms with her true identity! She even showed a weird dominatrix type of character for a small part of the novel which was so uncomfortable it was funny.

The twins, Tristan and Kai, were awesome. Kai, along with Quinn, were totally part of the comic relief but when they needed to be serious they were. Kai is definitely one of my favourites. To quote a really funny part of this book with Kai and Quinn;
"show him you're a strong independent reaper who don't need no wolf".
I was in hysterics at this and even did the head bob to this line before reading that Quinn did that too. Kai's sister on the other hand, although very bad ass, I just didn't like too much and a lot of her actions throughout the book are testament as to why I felt that way about her.

Mace... Oh my goodness Mace. I was so conflicted about him the whole time but he did things in this book that made my heart race and left me a little flustered and out of breath haha! He reminded me of ACOTAR's Rhys and my ovaries just couldn't take it when he was around.

I'll quickly mention the rest of the pack as a whole. Together they were so awesome! I felt like Isa made a really strong leader, but at times I found her too big for her boots. I would have loved more time with Neoma and Donovan because I'm left, even now, with questions to their backgrounds.

*Oh, random side note but I wanted to mention that I used word runner for the first time reading this book. I only used it a little but omg, it allowed me to read 5 pages in no time at all! At first, one word quickly appearing made my eye throb and it is a bit jaunty, but it's a great feature and I'd recommend trying it out, if you haven't already!*

There was one part in this story that I loved. It was about boundaries and that even though werewolves are very touchy feely in this world and like everything/one to have their scent, they still shouldn't touch without permission. That was aimed at Ember who was all very new to their ways and didn't like the sudden closeness and comfort of a family.

I couldn't for the life of me figure out why people weren't getting the significance of Ember's powers, what with what happened 12 years ago, but I mean, it was so much more than that, so who am I to talk? I could not predict what eventually came at all!

The only thing I didn't like was the writing at times. For example, the word "spastic" was thrown around way too much. I particularly didn't like the term being used, like another word could easily have given enough effect without potential offense to anybody.
I also found like a few words were missing. There were some times when a sentence didn't make sense and just felt off, but I think that may have been the way it was written as well, because I struggled a lot to see who was being referred to and who was talking. It wasn't clear enough. Ironically, I'm finding it hard to properly explain what I mean!

I was very hesitant at the idea of both Celtic and Egyptian gods being included in the story because I thought with the crossover of the two as well as all the other supernatural stuff concerned, that it would leave a very messy and unnecessary complicated story. I'm happy to say that although this story line calmed down, it came back big time at the end, but I think it was done so well and has left me really intrigued to find out more.

We got so close to the end before someone of significance died! I was in absolute shock when Quinn was murdered. I couldn't believe it and when I read that, I really started avoiding reading any more because I couldn't see how things would ever get better. I know... I was very dramatic! Now he's back in Mace's body and Mace did have a soul?! I just don't know how to feel!

Rhys and Kai's relationship is so cute! I really loved how easy the gay romance was. I mean easy in the sense that everyone just accepted it and didn't make a fuss, not easy in how bloody long it took Rhys to admit his feelings. After all that happened I did think he took so long because of his affiliation with the Grove. So it was cute that he tried to avoid the relationship until the lies were banished, and not because he was scared of feeling that way about another guy.

Overall, I've got to say, I just truly loved this book so much! I feel like it's been ages since I've read something like this and enjoyed it to this extent. I'd totally recommend it if you're looking for a YA supernatural story, with a bit of romance, betrayal and family kinship!

Pick it up, give it a go and enjoy! >(^_^)<