A review by mastersal
The Brightest Night by Tui T. Sutherland


After 4 solid books preceding this one, The Brightest Night had some big shoes to fill and unfortunately, it stumbled a little. The previous book, [b:The Dark Secret|17675467|The Dark Secret (Wings of Fire, #4)|Tui T. Sutherland|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1368813111l/17675467._SY75_.jpg|24679204], ended with some big cliffhangers which left this book a little too much to do. This is not only Sunny’s individual story but also wraps up the effective first arc of this world.

As a result, while I generally enjoyed my time reading the book as the writing remains fun and focused the plot was a little confusing and overstuffed. It all felt too rushed because the author had to wrap up the prophecy that we have been building up for 4 books.

While I liked Sunny in the previous book, this one didn’t really explore her a lot. Her hidden depths and desire to be taken seriously were already established so we didn’t see much growth from her. We just moved from plot to plot point with a highly convenient and pat ending.

However, given that this is middle grade I am going to give the book 3 stars as the pat ending was probably more whimsical for young children. This book is the most obvious case of “this book is not for me” that I’ve experienced in the series as yet.

Nonetheless, I continued to like the commitment to gritty story telling.
Spoiler Clay was injured. Starflight went blind and Sunny didn’t turn out to be a magic queen. She started a school - that was great and made me smile. It felt right.

3 fun stars overall