A review by anthonybanthony
Halo: Point of Light by Kelly Gay


Rating: C+
I'd probably give this an A- if not for 3 huge problems
1: I still don't like the Forerunner saga stuff and will never find it interesting. My mind went blank whenever the Librarian went through a monologue 
2: The Guardians plot line is covered and then forgotten despite it having a massive impact on the crew's goals and missions.
Seriously, Niko is gonna go back to his home planet, Lessa is gonna to to college, and Rion and Ram are supposed to take over the salvage operation, yet Cortana's stranglehold on the galaxy backed by absurdly powerful Forerunner tech is never addressed.

3: Several character arcs and plotlines go unresolved with no sign of any follow up. They wrap up the arcs for Spark, the Librarian, and the other AIs, but the entire Ace of Spades crew is left hanging. The book just ends out of nowhere. I was briefly convinced my digital copy had been messed up.
Renegades>Smoke and Shadow>Point of Light