A review by gwensreading
Better Than People, by Roan Parrish


I received an ARC from Netgalley and I am happy to give my honest review.

Roan Parrish is such a comfort read and this book was no different. It was fluffy comfort in a sweet package and I loved pretty much every minute of it.

Jack is an illustrator who was betrayed by his friend and business partner 8 months ago. He's been in a funk since and barely living his life except for caring for his pack of animals. He has 3 dogs and 3 cats (if I counted right) and walks the dogs and one cat twice a day. On one of the walks, he falls down a ditch and breaks his leg.

Simon has extreme social anxiety and recently moved in with his grandma after his grandpa passed away. He loves animals and finds they ease his anxiety. His grandma can't have pets so he signs up for an app to help care for other people's pets and meets Jack.

They start a tenuous friendship which turns into more. Jack likes Simon exactly for who he is, anxiety and fear, and all. Simon needs a lot of reassurance that he isn't messing up and that he has value. The scene with him having dinner with Jack and his brother broke my heart.

They slowly fall into love and it's beautiful to watch. The pets added a lot of fun to the book, especially the names that Jack chose to give them (a cat named Mayonnaise). There were a few very steamy scenes that surprised me since the rest of the book is pretty innocent.

I really did enjoy this book and read it in one day. I can't wait until the next book in the series and I hope to learn more about Charlie. He seemed like such a sweetheart compared to Jack's grumpiness.