A review by katrinamarie
Hunted by Abi Ketner, Missy Kalicicki


All I have to say after reading this book is WOW and HOLY CLIFFHANGER. Now I NEED the next book. That’s a lot of caps, and a lot of excitement.

Hunted picks up shortly after Branded ends. There is action from the get go. You are never bored, and there is no lull in the events that take place throughout the book. We see just how twisted Wilson is, and that he has no kindness in him at all. He’s absolutely awful. The things he has started to put the people in the Hole through is something from a nightmare.

Lexi has grown so much throughout these books, and I love that. She sees all the awful things going on around her, but still finds kindness and forgiveness in her heart for those that she doesn’t particularly like. She learns that those she surrounds herself around are her family, and would do anything to help her. Lexi also learns some things that will shake her to her core. I can’t imagine the pain she goes through with the knowledge.

I can’t wait for the next installment. Wilson needs to be taken down, and I hope Lexi has the strength to continue on this journey.