A review by shellysbookcorner
Unsuitable by Samantha Towle


This book was definitely not what I expected from this author at ALL! Daisy has spent the last 18 months in jail for a crime she didn't commit. She's trying to reclaim her life and get guardianship of her younger brother, Jesse. She gets a job working as a maid. The owner of the estate Kas is a brooding arsehole. They don't get along at all in the beginning and eventually they form a relationship. Their relationship isn't typical and they both have a lot of trust issues. Daisy was burned by her ex, Jason and Kas was dealing with his own demons. All I have to say was when that bomb was dropped about Kas and his demons I was like OMG!!! I didn't see that coming at ALL!!!! I don't blame Kas and I felt that he needed to do this in order for him to heal. Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horn and get things done. The author surprised me big time by going in this direction. This book was very different and suspenseful what I have previously read from her. The only slight issue I had was the ending of the book. I wish we had more time with Kas and Daisy before we got the epilogue. Despite the ending this book definitely helped with the slight reading slump I was having!

*an arc was given for an honest review*

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