A review by ainiali
The Fangirl Life: A Guide to All the Feels and Learning How to Deal, by Kathleen Smith


Are you a fan of something? Yes? Then you HAVE to read this. It provides a lot of advice on how fangirl should behave, how to deal with fandom's drama, internal conflicts, what others feel about their passion or even how to take your skills in fandom into your job applications. It's a guide to be a fanwoman; a more matured, calm and elegant form of a fangirl. Because a fangirl never stops fangirl-ing.
I love, love, love this book! I just wish I read this when I was in my twenties. Any fangirl knows that being a fangirl, an avid one at that, it's like living a double life. Juggling between study, work and fandom is no easy task but we choose to live that life. Go fangirl!