A review by e_t_smith
FTL, Y'all!: Tales From the Age of the $200 Warp Drive by Julie Gravelle, Iris Jay, Nathaniel Wilson, Earl T. Roske, Olivia Northrop, James F. Wright, Evan Dahm, Skolli Rubedo, David Andry, Jonathon Dalton, Seren Krakens, Cindy Powers, Molly Kennedy, Sunny, C.B. Webb, Cheez Hayama, N.N. Chan, C. Spike Trotman, Kay Rossbach, Chris Williamson, Alexxander Dovelin, Ainsley Seago, Little Corvus, Xia Gordon, Luz Bianca, Maia Kobabe, J. Piechowiak, Miss Jamie Kaye, Rachel Ordway, Mary Anne Mackey, Ahueonao, Mulele Jarvis, Blue Delliquanti, Paul Schultz, Jay Eaton


Pretty good, though it would have been nicer if all the stories had stuck to the premise more consistently. Several drift pretty wide from the precepts of the "$200 Warp Drive," though perhaps I'm over-aware because I've read the original forum thread this book is based on, where the premise was rigidly examined from world-building and technical perspectives rather than narrative ones. In particular "M.S.P.I.P.S.P." by Kay Rossbach while a decent story on it's own terms is widely off the mark, abandoning the democratizing influence of the drive to recycle old air-travel cliches. And while "Space to Grow" is both charmingly illustrated and built around a good theme, it feels too general to be here. On the other hand, "Story of a Rescue" by Nathaniel Wilson and "Soft Physics" by Blue Delliquanti both give strong depictions of unique and well-envisaged experiences that can only happen when anyone can leave Earth.