A review by fallen_for_books30
Goddess Interrupted by Aimée Carter


I love it! I love it! I love it!! Awesome book. wow...I just can't believe that it would be so good. S much action, tension and Persophene....She is in this book. You will want to kill her and understand her like Kate does. I love Kate. She is brave, forgiving and everything a good queen should be. She is open with her feelings and she asks instead of just assuming just stupid things. I know she had doubts but she is courageous as I already told and she knows what she wants and goes after it.

Henry is hot and caring and loving person in his own way. But I so so so wanted to kill him for what he did in this book. He was more complex in this book and that to due to his ex wife back.

There are more secrets, action and conspiracy in this book and with the cliffhanger I need to read the third book soon!!