A review by raven168
Under Your Skin by Sabine Durrant


I won this book a few months ago thru a contest on here and had finally gotten to it. Unfortunately, I didn't really get into it at all. The first hundred pages or so were especially boring to me. Discounting the murder and the whole prime suspect trying to clear her name thing, nothing happens.

One morning while out for a run Gaby discovers the body of a girl. Initially she is just the person who found her, but soon enough she becomes the prime suspect and the cop in charge is totally out to get her. Despite appearances that she has a perfect life with a great husband and sweet child, all is not what it seems. She doesn't love her job as much anymore and her husband is increasingly distant. She has maybe one or two friends and their nanny is not a warm person. Day by day she feels like she's losing control of her life in one way or another. Eventually she recruits the help of a journalist in order to try and clear her name and the story becomes somewhat more interesting. Though, not very. Around the middle of the book, I just didn't care anymore and decided to read the last few pages. Knowing then the truth of it all, I became mildly interested in finding out how it all came to pass and was able to read the whole book thru. The end was the most interesting part even though it still didn't leave me excited or with any emotion for than matter. The real killer didn't come as much of shock though.
SpoilerI had originally kind of thought that she had had some sort of forced memory loss or some such and that she didn't realize that she killed the girl. But finding out that it was her all along and she was literally playing a part in order to get away with it was pretty good.

I had issue with the way some of the characters acted in this book. Gaby never actually stuck up for herself and did what she wanted. She always did what her husband wanted or what she thought he would expect. Including pretty much giving up all of her own friends. So that was a little annoying, but I know that that happens for real so okay. Then you have Philip. How stupid he was for believing such crap told to him by a coworker!
Spoiler Just because someone you work with tells you that if you work hard you are entitled to have another woman on the side, you believe it!? How arrogant you would have to be to think that you are not only allowed to have more than one woman (especially if you're married to one) but that it's something that you deserve.
And then there's Ania. Poor, sweet, little dead Ania. Yeah right. She lost A LOT of my pity about her murder when we found out what she had said.
SpoilerThe way she talked to Gaby about Philip wanting to move to the country with her and their baby to start a new family was horrible. She had no remorse about what she had done to his existing family or that she would be the reason for a marriage to end. I don't blame Gaby for cracking, though killing her was a bit far. And even after all that, Gaby thought she was just a sweet girl who didn't deserve that. Uh, what?