A review by ctorretta
Fractured by Erin Hayes


Ok, so maybe my idea of horror is way in your face, Clive Barker type of horror, this wasn’t quite that. I didn’t dislike it but I guess I would not put it in my normal horror section. It starts a bit slow and takes a quite a while to wind up, but think baseball pitcher here, winds he lets that ball loose – it’s GONE!

That’s when I started enjoying the story, and the characters. There’s a lot that happens, and a lot of blood and death but I get to really see the characters then. The beginning felt like just a sprinkling of who they were to set the stage and now that the stage is set they can have some real fun.

The characters in this are interesting but I almost wish the incident that happens when they are VERY young happened later in life. I think it would make more sense to the overall story line.

BUT everything comes out in the end. Unlike a lot of books out there today where you have more questions than answers, I actually felt really good at the end of this.

I really enjoy Erin Hayes writing and having read her before I knew I was going to enjoy this. I could tell that this wasn’t her easiest project – also she has an author’s note which I really appreciated – you can tell in some of her other work that the words just flow. Still, I enjoyed this horror / paranormal very much and really loved the ending!

In short: probably not for the feint at heart. Definitely an interesting read once you get past that initial part.